I've been coming to visit this spot, the Scala del Bovolo (Snail's Staircase) for almost twenty years.
I'd stand outside the gates and look longingly up that extraordinary staircase. But I'd long given up hope that I'd ever see the inside of this building, let alone climb those stairs. And then, just as I was preparing to leave for Venice...I noticed that this site had finally opened to the public. Hoorah!
Scala del Bovolo, photo (c) Capturing Venice May 2016 |
The view from the top of the 'snail' is intimate - I felt as though I could almost touch the Campanile in the Piazza San Marco or reach for that dear, familiar roof line of the Basilica di San Marco with its fat domes.
View from the Scala del Bovolo, photo (c) Capturing Venice, May 2016 |
Visiting the Scale del Bovolo was a delight - it was so much quieter than climbing the Campanile in Piazza San Marco...no queues, no crowds, no jostling for position. I had this little belvedere all to myself for several minutes.
Standing at the top of Scala del Bovolo, photo (c) Capturing Venice, May 2016 |
Many guidebooks seem describe the snail like form of the staircase as typical of Venice...I'd love to know where else this exists or existed, as I can't recall ever seeing it elsewhere in Venice. If you know anything further, please drop me a line in the comments box or via Capturing Venice's social media pages. I'd love to hear from you.
The Scala del Bovolo was added to the existing Palazzo San Paternian around 1400 by commission from Pietro Contarini.