
Venice has 'captured' the heart, mind and imagination of so many writers, poets, artists and historians. Venice is one of my favourite subjects in art, literature and history, and I am always eager to learn more and look more at this unique and special place. This Venice blog is my way of collecting the wealth of images, poems, prose and impressions of Venice.

Sunday 24 February 2013

What I'm reading: Suddenly, it's the end of February...by Diego Valeri

The month of February has spun past me...I can't quite believe we're now almost into March. 

I pay tribute to Diego Valeri, a poet who loved Venice:

A Venezia, posata sul suo letto
d'acque marine e d'ali di gabbiani,
la primavera scende da una nuvola
grande, carica d'ombra, orlata d'oro.
E' la fine improvvisa di febbraio;
e l'ora che Venezia si ridesta
alla luce, al colore.  Sul suo volto
amoroso tracorrono pallori,
veli violetti, lampi di rossore;
ai suoi piedi si stendon le maree
come giardini: a Venezia, di marzo,
anche l'acqua da fiore.

In Venice, as it rests upon its bed
of waters from sea and seagulls' wings,
the spring descends from out of a great cloud,
charged with shadow, hemmed with threads of gold
Suddenly, it's the end of February,
the time when Venice wakes, and stirs itself
once more to light and colour.  Now across
the city's affectionate face pass all the pallors,
the violet veils, the blush of lightning flashes,
and at the city's feet tides spread themselves
like gardens. In Venice, in the month of March,
even the water's in bloom.

From Poesie inedite, o 'come' (1977)


  1. I just put up a new post and then clicked on a link to this new post of yours and discovered how perfectly what you put up in verse seems to go with what I put up in images! What a great poem: how perfect it is for the time, and for today, even, in particular. I'm actually kind of amazed by how perfectly it expresses what I've just been looking at with my own eyes. Almost uncanny...

  2. Sig. Nonloso - it certainly is uncanny. I usually try to include a photo with each of my blogs, but I couldn't find anything in my photo library that would be 'just right'. And this morning when I looked at your blog, I found the perfect image!
    Thanks for brightening my day!
