
Venice has 'captured' the heart, mind and imagination of so many writers, poets, artists and historians. Venice is one of my favourite subjects in art, literature and history, and I am always eager to learn more and look more at this unique and special place. This Venice blog is my way of collecting the wealth of images, poems, prose and impressions of Venice.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

"How I love our sweet Gothics" (Paolo Barbaro, Venice Revealed)

"How I love our sweet Gothics, which have so little true Gothic about them.  They are not to be found in such aggregate anywhere else, but in this city they turn up everywhere, with their double lancet windows, their friezes, their great front doors, and their eaves worked in stone as if it were lace".

"Accanto quel gotico-gentile, molto poco gotico, introvabile in ogni altro aggregato umano, che qui torna dappertutto tra bifore, fregi, portoni, gronde lavorate come merletti di pietra bianca".

Paolo Barbaro, Venice Revealed/ Venezia La Citta Ritrovata

6126, Campo Santa Maria Formosa, Castello

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